Respecting Hawaiian Culture: What Topics to Avoid When Writing a Blog Post

When it comes to creating content for a successful blog post about Hawaiian culture, it is essential to understand the history of the islands and show respect for the native Hawaiian people. There are many ways to do this, but it is also important to be aware of what topics should be avoided. Native Hawaiians make up only a small portion of Hawaii's population, so it is essential not to assume that all Hawaiians are native Hawaiians. It is also important to remember that the Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown and its language and culture have been under attack ever since. When writing a blog post about Hawaiian culture, it is important to stay away from topics such as the curse of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of the volcano.

This curse does not exist in any of the Hawaiian stories, songs, or chants. It is also important to avoid topics such as how to decolonize your way of thinking and the differences between American and Hawaiian culture. These topics should be addressed by native Hawaiians and people from marginalized communities with deep roots in Hawaii. When writing a blog post about Hawaiian culture, it is also important to avoid topics such as buying imported souvenirs. Instead, visitors should learn about Hawaiian culture at living museums, art centers, and storytelling kiosks.

Additionally, visitors should visit local museums and cultural sites, such as Puʻuhonua or Hōnaunau on the Big Island, and check if their resort or hotel offers cultural activities. Finally, it is important to avoid topics such as how tourists raise prices for locals and make it difficult for them to survive. While this is a concern for some Hawaiians, it is not universal. Most Hawaiians welcome tourists who show respect for the culture and environment of the islands. In conclusion, when writing a blog post about Hawaiian culture, it is essential to understand its history and respect its people. This can be done by avoiding topics such as the curse of Pele, how to decolonize your way of thinking, buying imported souvenirs, how tourists raise prices for locals, and more.

Additionally, visitors should visit local museums and cultural sites and check if their resort or hotel offers cultural activities.

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